
    CD_NAME : CD8a

    DESC: CD8 antigen; alpha polypeptide (p32)
    OTH_NAMES: CD8; Leu2; MAL; p32
    BU88 IgG1  Hardie  AbD Serotec
    HIT8a IgG1  Chen  BD Biosciences
    LT8 IgG1  Filatov  AbD Serotec
    OKT8 IgG2  Ortho  Thermo Fisher Scientific
    RPA-T8 IgG1k  Aversa  BD Biosciences
    YTC182.20 IgG2  Waldmann H  AbD Serotec
    RPA-T8 IgG1 Bonnevier R&D Systems
    RPA-T8 IgG1k Tinsley Novus Biologicals
    UCHT4 IgG2 Tinsley Novus Biologicals
    YTC182.20 IgG2 Tinsley Novus Biologicals
    RPA-T8 IgG1k  Aversa  BioLegend
    HIT8a IgG1  Chen  BioLegend
    HIT8a IgG1  Chen  Thermo Fisher Scientific
    RPA-T8 IgG1k  Aversa  Thermo Fisher Scientific
    MEM-31 Mouse IgG2a Horejsi EXBIO Praha
    LT8 Mouse IgG1 Filatov EXBIO Praha
    2D2 IgG1  Clement L 
    4D12.1 IgG1  Mawas 
    7B12 1G11 IgG2  Foster 
    8E-1.7 unknown  Mawas 
    8G5 IgG2a  Garbrecht 
    14 IgG1 Hogg
    21Thy IgG1  Coulter 
    51.1 IgG2a Hansen JA
    66.2 IgG Martin PJ
    109-2D4 IgM  Vilella 
    138-17 IgM  Vilella 
    143-44 IgG1  Vilella 
    278F24 IgG1  Genetet 
    302F27 IgG1  Genetet 
    AICD8.1 IgM  Meuer 
    anti-T8 IgG  Amador 
    B9.1.1 IgG3  Malissen 
    B9.2.4 IgG3  Malissen 
    B9.3.1 IgG1  Malissen 
    B9.4.1 IgG2b  Malissen 
    B9.7.6 IgG2a  Malissen 
    B9.8.6 IgG2a  Malissen 
    B9.11 IgG1  Immunotech 
    B9.11.10 IgG1  Malissen 
    BE48 IgG2a  Bensussan 
    BL15 IgG2b  Brochier 
    BL-TS8 IgG1  Fiebig 
    BMAC8 unknown  Dalchau 
    BU88 IgG1  Hardie  AbD Serotec
    BW135/80 IgG2a  Kurrle 
    C1-11G3 IgG2a  Pilkington 
    C10 IgG2a  Galton 
    C12/D3 IgG1  Petranyi 
    CD8-4C9 IgG1  Knapp 
    CLB-T8/1 unknown  Tetteroo 
    CTAG-CD8, 3B5 IgG2a  Johnson 
    F80-1D4D11 unknown  Poncelet 
    F101-87 (S-T8a) unknown  Poncelet 
    G10-1 unknown  Ledbetter 
    G10-1.1 IgG2a  Ledbetter 
    HI208 IgG2b  Chen 
    HI209 IgG1  Chen 
    HI212 IgG1  Shen 
    HIT8a IgG1  Chen  BD Biosciences
    HIT8b IgG1  Chen 
    HIT8d IgG1  Shen 
    ICO-31 IgG1  Baryshnikov 
    ICO-122 IgG1  Baryshnikov 
    IP48 IgG1  Bensussan 
    ITI-5C2 IgM  Gaudernack 
    ITM8-1 IgG1  Ando 
    JML-H7 IgG1  Yokoyama 
    JML-H8 IgG2b  Yokoyama 
    L2 IgG2b  Kikuchi 
    L533 unknown  Bernard 
    Leu-2a IgG1k  Evans 
    LT8 IgG1  Filatov  AbD Serotec
    LY17.2E7 IgG1  Heyligen 
    LY19.3B2 IgA  Heyligen 
    M236 IgG1  Knowles RW 
    M-T122 IgG1  Rieber 
    M-T415 IgG1  Rieber 
    M-T805 IgG2a  Rieber 
    M-T806 IgM  Rieber 
    M-T807 IgG2a  Rieber 
    M-T808 IgM  Rieber 
    M-T809 IgM  Rieber 
    M-T1014 IgM  Rieber 
    MCD8 IgG1  De Jonge 
    MEM-31 IgG2a  Horejsi 
    MEM-146 IgG1  Horejsi 
    NU-Ts/c IgG2a  Yokoyama 
    OKT8 IgG2  Ortho  Thermo Fisher Scientific
    OKT8f IgG2a  Connelly 
    P218 unknown  Bai 
    RPA-T8 IgG1k  Aversa  BD Biosciences
    SM4 IgG1  Chen 
    T8 IgG1  Schlossman 
    T8 /2T8-19 unknown  Reinherz 
    T8 /2T8-2A1 IgG2b  Reinherz 
    T8 /2T8-1B5 IgG2b  Reinherz 
    T8 /2T8-1C1 IgG1  Reinherz 
    T8 /7Pt3F9 IgG2  Reinherz 
    T8 /21thy2D3 IgG1  Reinherz 
    T8 /21thy IgG1  Reinherz 
    T8 /TPE3FP unknown  Reinherz 
    T8b unknown  Yan Bai 
    T41D8 IgG2  Girardet 
    T811 IgG1  Rieber 
    Tü68 IgG2a  Wernet 
    Tü102 unknown  Wernet 
    UCHT4 IgG2  Beverley PCL 
    VIT8 unknown  Knapp 
    VIT8b IgG1  Knapp 
    WuT8-1 IgG1  Bin 
    X107 unknown  Pulford 
    YTC141.1 IgG2b  Waldmann H 
    YTC182.20 IgG2  Waldmann H  AbD Serotec
    RPA-T8 IgG1 Bonnevier R&D Systems
    RPA-T8 IgG1k Tinsley Novus Biologicals
    UCHT4 IgG2 Tinsley Novus Biologicals
    YTC182.20 IgG2 Tinsley Novus Biologicals
    RPA-T8 IgG1k  Aversa  BioLegend
    HIT8a IgG1  Chen  BioLegend
    HIT8a IgG1  Chen  Thermo Fisher Scientific
    RPA-T8 IgG1k  Aversa  Thermo Fisher Scientific
    MEM-31 Mouse IgG2a Horejsi EXBIO Praha
    LT8 Mouse IgG1 Filatov EXBIO Praha

    CD8 is a transmembrane glycoprotein composed by two disulfide-linked chains in its native state.1-4 CD8 can be a homodimer of CD8α (CD8αα) or a heterodimer of CD8α and CD8β (CD8αβ).2-4 CD8α and CD8β belong to the Ig superfamily and display an IgV-like domain in the extracellular part followed by a stalk region.1,5 CD8α contains a Lck binding domain in the cytoplasmic tail.6 CD8 also exists in a soluble form.7

    1. Littman DR, Thomas Y, Maddon PJ, Chess L, Axel R. The isolation and sequence of the gene encoding T8: a molecule defining functional classes of T lymphocytes.Cell. 1985;40:237-46.
    2. Norment AM, Littman DR. A second subunit of CD8 is expressed in human T cells. EMBO J. 1988;7:3433-9.
    3. Shiue L, Gorman SD, Parnes JR. A second chain of human CD8 is expressed on peripheral blood lymphocytes. J Exp Med. 1988;168:1993-2005.
    4. Moebius U, Kober G, Griscelli AL, Hercend T, Meuer SC. Expression of different CD8 isoforms on distinct human lymphocyte subpopulations. Eur J Immunol. 1991 ;21:1793-800.
    5. Nakauchi H, Shinkai Y, Okumura K. Molecular cloning of Lyt-3, a membrane glycoprotein marking a subset of mouse T lymphocytes: molecular homology to immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor variable and joining regions. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1987;84:4210-4.
    6. Turner JM, Brodsky MH, Irving BA, Levin SD, Perlmutter RM, Littman DR. Interaction of the unique N-terminal region of tyrosine kinase p56lck with cytoplasmic domains of CD4 and CD8 is mediated by cysteine motifs. Cell. 1990;60:755-65.
    7. Fujimoto J, Levy S, Levy R. Spontaneous release of the Leu-2 (T8) molecule from human T cells. J Exp Med. 1983;158:752-66.


    MHC class I.1 In addition, CD8αα can bind to thymus leukemia antigen.2


    Intracellular associate molecules

    Lck3, LAT4 and CD3δ.5

    1. Janeway CA Jr. The T cell receptor as a multicomponent signalling machine: CD4/CD8 coreceptors and CD45 in T cell activation. Annu Rev Immunol. 992;10:645-74.
    2. Leishman AJ, Naidenko OV, Attinger A, Koning F, Lena CJ, Xiong Y, Chang HC, Reinherz E, Kronenberg M, Cheroutre H. T cell responses modulated through interaction between CD8alphaalpha and the nonclassical MHC class I molecule,  TL. Science. 2001;294:1936-9.
    3. Turner JM, Brodsky MH, Irving BA, Levin SD, Perlmutter RM, Littman DR. Interaction of the unique N-terminal region of tyrosine kinase p56lck with cytoplasmic domains of CD4 and CD8 is mediated by cysteine motifs. Cell. 1990;60:755-65.
    4. Bosselut R, Zhang W, Ashe JM, Kopacz JL, Samelson LE, Singer A. Association of the adaptor molecule LAT with CD4 and CD8 coreceptors identifies a new coreceptor function in T cell receptor signal transduction. J Exp Med. 1999;190:1517-26.
    5. Doucey MA, Goffin L, Naeher D, Michielin O, Baumgärtner P, Guillaume P, Palmer E, Luescher IF. CD3 delta establishes a functional link between the T cell receptor and CD8. J Biol Chem. 2003;278:3257-64.


    CD_NAME : CD8a

    CD8 is present on most thymocytes.1 Cytotoxic αβ T cells predominantly display CD8αβ but can also express CD8αα.2-3 NK cells, γδ T cells, intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes and monocytes only express CD8αα.2,4-5 Furthermore, a subset of lymphoid tissue-resident DCs in mice also express CD8α.6

    1. Germain RN. T-cell development and the CD4-CD8 lineage decision. Nat Rev Immunol. 2002;2:309-22.
    2. Terry LA, DiSanto JP, Small TN, Flomenberg N. Differential expression and regulation of the human CD8 alpha and CD8 beta chains. Tissue Antigens. 1990;35:82-91.
    3. Moebius U, Kober G, Griscelli AL, Hercend T, Meuer SC. Expression of different CD8 isoforms on distinct human lymphocyte subpopulations. Eur J Immunol.   1991;21:1793-800.
    4. Leishman AJ, Naidenko OV, Attinger A, Koning F, Lena CJ, Xiong Y, Chang HC, Reinherz E, Kronenberg M, Cheroutre H. T cell responses modulated through interaction between CD8alphaalpha and the nonclassical MHC class I molecule,  TL. Science. 2001;294:1936-9.
    5. Gibbings DJ, Marcet-Palacios M, Sekar Y, Ng MC, Befus AD. CD8 alpha is expressed by human monocytes and enhances Fc gamma R-dependent responses. BMC Immunol. 2007;8:12.
    6. Shortman K, Heath WR. The CD8+ dendritic cell subset. Immunol Rev. 2010;234:18-31.



    CD_NAME : CD8a

    CD8 is a co-receptor that binds to MHC class-I and participates in cytotoxic T cell activation.1 During thymic development, CD8 is necessary for thymocyte selection.2

    On monocytes, CD8 ligation improve FcR-dependent activation and TNF release.3 Interaction of CD8αα with thymus leukemia antigen leads to cytokine production on intraepithelial lymphocytes.4

    1. O'Rourke AM, Mescher MF. The roles of CD8 in cytotoxic T lymphocyte function. Immunol Today. 1993;14:183-8.
    1. Zúñiga-Pflücker JC, Jones LA, Longo DL, Kruisbeek AM. CD8 is required during positive selection of CD4-/CD8+ T cells. J Exp Med. 1990;171:427-37.
    1. Gibbings DJ, Marcet-Palacios M, Sekar Y, Ng MC, Befus AD. CD8 alpha is expressed by human monocytes and enhances Fc gamma R-dependent responses. BMC Immunol. 2007;8:12.
    2. Leishman AJ, Naidenko OV, Attinger A, Koning F, Lena CJ, Xiong Y, Chang HC, Reinherz E, Kronenberg M, Cheroutre H. T cell responses modulated through interaction between CD8alphaalpha and the nonclassical MHC class I molecule,  TL. Science. 2001;294:1936-9.


    CD_NAME : CD8a

    Cell marker

    Marker of cytotoxic T cells.1 CD8 is also a useful marker for diagnosis of lymphoproliferative disorders.2-3

    1. Terry LA, DiSanto JP, Small TN, Flomenberg N. Differential expression and regulation of the human CD8 alpha and CD8 beta chains. Tissue Antigens. 1990;35:82-91.
    2. Béné MC, Nebe T, Bettelheim P, Buldini B, Bumbea H, Kern W, Lacombe F, Lemez P, Marinov I, Matutes E, Maynadié M, Oelschlagel U, Orfao A, Schabath R, Solenthaler M, Tschurtschenthaler G, Vladareanu AM, Zini G, Faure GC, Porwit A. Immunophenotyping of acute leukemia and lymphoproliferative disorders: a consensus proposal of the European LeukemiaNet Work Package 10. Leukemia. 2011;25:567-74.
    3. van Dongen JJ, Lhermitte L, Böttcher S, Almeida J, van der Velden VH, Flores-Montero J, Rawstron A, Asnafi V, Lécrevisse Q, Lucio P, Mejstrikova E, Szczepański T, Kalina T, de Tute R, Brüggemann M, Sedek L, Cullen M, Langerak AW, Mendonça A, Macintyre E, Martin-Ayuso M, Hrusak O, Vidriales MB, Orfao A; EuroFlow Consortium (EU-FP6, LSHB-CT-2006-018708). EuroFlow antibody panels for standardized n-dimensional flow cytometric immunophenotyping of normal, reactive and malignant leukocytes. Leukemia. 2012;26:1908-75.



    To our knowledge, there are no monoclonal antibodies targeting CD8 used in the clinical practice. However, administration of anti-CD8 antibodies has been effective in rodent models of autoimmune glomerulonephritis1, spontaneous chronic polyarthritis2, type 1 diabetes3 and transplantation.4

    1. Reynolds J, Norgan VA, Bhambra U, Smith J, Cook HT, Pusey CD. Anti-CD8 monoclonal antibody therapy is effective in the prevention and treatment of experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2002;13:359-69.
    2. Raposo BR, Rodrigues-Santos P, Carvalheiro H, Agua-Doce AM, Carvalho L, Pereira da Silva JA, Graça L, Souto-Carneiro MM. Monoclonal anti-CD8 therapy induces disease amelioration in the K/BxN mouse model of spontaneous chronic polyarthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2010;62:2953-62.
    3. Phillips JM, Parish NM, Raine T, Bland C, Sawyer Y, De La Peña H, Cooke A. Type 1 diabetes development requires both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and can be reversed by non-depleting antibodies targeting both T cell populations. Rev Diabet Stud. 2009;6:97-103.
    4. Newell KA, He G, Hart J, Thistlethwaite JR Jr. Treatment with either anti-CD4 or anti-CD8 monoclonal antibodies blocks alphabeta T cell-mediated rejection of intestinal allografts in mice. Transplantation. 1997;64:959-65.


    CD_NAME : CD8a


    NCBI_OTHER_NAME CD8; Leu2; MAL; p32
    DESC CD8 antigen; alpha polypeptide (p32)


    HGNC_LOCUS_TAG: 1706
    NCBI_MAP: 2p12
    GENE_SIZE: 6335
    PRCORENC: 120 to 827
    ENTREN: ENST00000283635
    NCBI_REF_SEF_ENTRY: NP_001759 , 22902134
    PR_MO_WEIGHT: 25729
    PR_SW_PR: 9.55
    IPI_NUMBER: IPI00438278
    NCBI_CONSV_DOMAINS: 22902134
    ENSM_NUMBER: P01732

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